Q&A for Certificate of Residence (COR) - Xiamen Evershine
Expand your business to Taiwan: Company Registration, Accounting, Tax, & Payroll Services

Q&A for Certificate of Residence (COR)

Send an Email to: xmn4ww@evershinecpa.com
Contact us in working hours (China Time Zone GMT+8)
Manager Bing Weng, UK Graduate School Alumni and a well-English speaker
Mobile: +86-180-5008-2372
Tel No.: +86-592-573-4710
Wechat ID: yaoren01522

Question from client:
With which countries does China have DTA (Double Tax Agreement) to avoid double taxation?

Answer from Evershine RD:

Albania Estonia Macao South Africa
Algeria Ethiopia Macedonia Spain
Armenia Finland Malaysia Sri Lanka
Argentina* France Malta Sudan
Australia Gabon* Mauritius Sweden
Austria Georgia Mexico Switzerland
Azerbaijan Germany Moldova Syria
Bahrain Greece Mongolia Taiwan*
Bangladesh Hong Kong Morocco Tajikistan
Barbados Hungary Nepal Thailand
Belarus Iceland Netherlands Trinidad and Tobago
Belgium India New Zealand Tunisia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Indonesia Nigeria Turkey
Botswana Iran Norway Turkmenistan
Brazil Ireland, Republic of Oman Uganda*
Brunei Israel Pakistan Ukraine
Bulgaria Italy Papua New Guinea United Arab Emirates
Cambodia Jamaica Philippines United Kingdom
Canada Japan Poland United States
Chile Kazakhstan Portugal Uzbekistan
Congo* Kenya* Qatar Venezuela
Croatia Korea, Republic of Romania Vietnam
Cuba Kuwait Russia Yugoslavia
Cyprus Kyrgyzstan Saudi Arabia Zambia
Czech Republic Laos Seychelles Zimbabwe
Denmark Latvia Singapore
Ecuador Lithuania Slovak Republic
Egypt Luxembourg Slovenia

Question from client:
Under what circumstances do I need to apply for a Certificate of China tax residence?

Answer from Evershine RD:
A tax residency certificate is crucial for multinational companies when applying for tax benefits under international tax treaties that have double taxation agreements with China.

Question from client:
What is the procedure for applying for a China tax residency certificate? What form should I fill out? What are the required documents? Government website?

Answer from Evershine RD:

  1. Fill up 3 copies of the Application Form for the Chinese Tax Residency Certificate (see Annex 2).
    Forms can be downloaded at http://www.gov.cn/fuwu/2019-04/04/content_5379547.htm
  2. Where a competent tax authority of the other contracting state has any special requirements regarding the format of a Chinese Tax Residency Certificate, the applicant may submit an explanatory document in writing and the required format for the application.
  3. Supporting evidence are as follows:
    * Tax registration certificate
    * Tax clearance certificate in the current fiscal year (if no tax payment is provided, a written explanation letter is required)
    * Contracts, agreements, board or shareholder resolutions, and payment vouchers related to the income intended for treatment under tax treaties.
    * Documents in foreign language should be attached with the Chinese translation.
    * When the applicant submits a photocopy of the above-mentioned materials to the competent tax authority,
    the applicant’s seal or signature shall be affixed to the photocopy, and the competent tax authority shall retain the photocopy after verifying the original.
  1. All documentation must be submitted to tax authorities by hand.
  2. The processing time is within 7 working days of the date of receipt of an application by a competent tax authority,
    or within 20 working days, if the competent tax authority cannot determine one’s resident status and needs to submit the application to its superior.

Contact Us
Send an Email to: xmn4ww@evershinecpa.com
Contact us during working hours (China Time Zone GMT+8)
Manager Bing Weng, UK Graduate School Alumni and a well-English speaker
Mobile: +86-180-5008-2372
Tel No.: +86-592-573-4710
Wechat ID: yaoren01522

Additional Information

Evershine has 100% affiliates in the following cities:
Shanghai,Shanghai,ShenzhenNew York,
San Francisco,HoustonPhoenix,
Tokyo,Seoul,Hanoi,Ho Chi Minh,Bangkok,
Singapore,Kuala Lumpur,Manila,Dubai,
New Delhi,Mumbai,Dhaka,Jakarta,Frankfurt,

Other cities with existent clients:
Miami, Atlanta, Oklahoma, Michigan, Seattle, Delaware;
Berlin, Stuttgart; Prague; Czech Republic; Bangalore; Surabaya;
Kaohsiung, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Donguan, Guangzhou, Qingyuan, Yongkang, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Kunshan, Nanjing, Chongqing, Xuchang, Qingdao, Tianjin.

Evershine Potential Serviceable City (2 months preparatory period):
Evershine CPAs Firm is an IAPA member firm headquartered in London, with 300 member offices worldwide and approximately 10,000 employees.
Evershine CPAs Firm is a LEA member headquartered in Chicago, USA, it has 600 member offices worldwide and employs approximately 28,000 people.
Besides, Evershine is Taiwan local Partner of ADP Streamline ®.
(version: 2024/07)

You may also reach us through HQ4xmn@evershinecpa.com

More cities and more services click sitemap

Services in Xiamen Area

Company registration,
Open bank account,
Work Permit and Visa application;
Online Accounting Services,
Payment Services,
Tax Compliance Services;
Payroll compliance Services,
Trademark Registration;
Due Diligence for M&A project,

Xiamen Company Setup

*International Tax Planning
*Company Registration

*Work Permit Application
*Food and Drink Business Permit and License Application
*Medical Devise Business Permit and License Application
*ICP (Internet Content Provider) Permit and License Application

Xiamen Online Accounting

We act as your in-house accountant supported by cloud accounting and payroll system.
We are a member of LEA and IAPA.
Our affiliated companies are located at major cities in Southern China area.
We are featured in providing services to the overseas entities of MNC (Multi-National-Companies) parent companies.

Xiamen Payroll Compliance

*Labor Law Regulation compliance audit.
*Evershine use online payroll relevant 4-in-1 System support our services:
-GPS-Clock or on-site Face-ID-Clock;
-Leave system ; Overtime System;
-Payroll Parameter Collection System;
-payroll gross to net calculation
*Pay salary through internet Banking Function.